



what happens when a city banning cars from streets?


for the last 100 years, the car has come to dominate the urban landscape. streets have been widened in many cities to accommodate automobiles, and huge amounts of space are given over to parking them.?


private vehicles have revolutionised mobility, but they have also introduced many ills, from air pollution to traffic accidents. and today a small but growing number of cities are trying to design the car out of the urban landscape altogether.


both oslo in norway and the spanish capital madrid have made headlines in recent years for their plans to ban cars from their centres – although neither have entirely got rid of them yet.


“our main objective is to give the streets back to people,” says hanna marcussen, oslo’s vice mayor for urban development. “it is about how we want to use our streets and what the streets should be for. for us, the street should be where you meet people, eat at outdoor restaurants, where kids play, and where art is exhibited.”?


to do this, oslo has closed off certain streets in the centre to cars entirely. they have also?removed almost all parking spots and replaced them with cycling lanes, benches and miniature parks.


a city without cars sounds like a nice idea but is it possible – or even desirable? what about emergency services? or people who have mobility problems? and what about?sprawling?suburbs; is the notion of going car free only relevant to young professionals who wish to live in compact city centres?


“the quickest way to make a city centre die is to stop people getting in there,” says hugh bladen of the association for british drivers. britain’s declining high streets won’t be helped by restrictions on driving, he argues, “otherwise town centres just get full of druggies and drunks”. he acknowledges that “some towns and cities get?clogged up?but that’s just be
cause of poor planning; they should have better parking options”.


ransford acheampong, an urban planning researcher at the university of manchester, says that removing cars would be helpful to reduce pollution and could improve public health, but if you take cars away from people, you need to be able to provide an?alternative. even in europe, which has relatively good public transport, many people’s commutes and lifestyles just wouldn’t be possible without a private car.


this is the concept of the last mile, which is the connection between public transport and the final part of a person’s journey. until public transport can make this gap smaller, people will still want to drive cars.




sprawl?[spr??l] v. 蔓延;杂乱无序地拓展

clog up?堵塞

alternative?[??l?t??rn?t?v] adj. 供选择的;交替的????


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