


perfection is not just about control. it’s also about letting go.
nasa finally made a toilet for women

buzz aldrin remembers feeling “buoyant” and “full of goose pimples” when he stepped onto the moon in 1969, becoming the second person to touch the surface of another world. the view was magnificent. the first thing he did was examine the ground beneath his boots. “i immediately looked down at my feet and became intrigued with the peculiar properties of the lunar dust,” the apollo astronaut recalled in one of his memoirs.
the second thing he did was pee.

aldrin, the first person to urinate on the moon (into a special collection device worn around his waist) is one of hundreds of astronauts who, in between doing extraordinary things, have done the most mundane thing. in the nearly 60 years since human beings first went to space, engineers have worked carefully on the technology inside spacesuits, shuttles, and capsules to accommodate this very earthly act, and the effort continues today: astronauts are preparing to install a brand-new toilet on the international space station soon.

the most important new feature is the one that allows astronauts to do something that the rest of us mostly take for granted on earth. there’s no artful way to put this, so i’m just going to say it: the current toilets on the international space station aren’t conducive to peeing and pooping at the same time. this matters more for the women in the astronaut corps, for whom the two bodily functions can be trickier to separate.

文本选自:the atlantic(大西洋月刊)作者:marina koren原文标题:nasa finally made a toilet for women原文发布时间:13 oct. 2020


翻译卡 ?美国宇航局终于造出了女性马桶




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