




1.社会和谐???????????????????????? social harmony

2.可持续发展????????????????????? sustainable development

3.满足精神和物质需求??????? fulfill one’s spiritual and materialneeds

4.垃圾分类???????????????????????? wastesorting/classification

5.共享单车???????????????????????? shared bikes

6.共享经济???????????????????????? shared economy

7.交通拥堵???????????????????????? traffic jam

8.创新精神???????????????????????? spirit of innovation

9.生态文明???????????????????????? ecological civilization

10.公共秩序??????????????????????? public orders

11.脚踏实地??????????????????????? keep one’s feet on theground

12.承担责任??????????????????????? undertake theresponsibility

13.网络安全??????????????????????? network security

14.网红?????????????????????????????? network celebrity

15.超前消费??????????????????????? excessive consumption

16.社会公德建设???????????????? const
ruction of social morality

17.打假?????????????????????????????? crack down onfake commodities

18.开发可再生资源???????????? exploit renewable resources

19.社会文明??????????????????????? social civilization

20.低碳经济??????????????????????? low-carbon economy



currently,news has it that some major cities in china are setting about pushing “wastesorting”,with the purpose of both reforming the traditional waste treatment andimproving this fragile environment we live in.

2.总之,由于 助他人使得我们感觉良好并使世界更加美好,我们应该准备好 助他人。当遇到陌生人时,尽管我们应该防止受骗,但我们也应尽我们所能助人为乐。

to sumup, we should be ready to help others because it makes us feel better and makesour society more beautiful. when it comes to strangers, we should still offerwhat we can though we should be aware of getting cheated.


theadvent of bike-sharing has greatly changed the way people travel. it not onlyimproves people’s travel efficiency, but also lowers the cost of one’s trip toa certain extent.


in myview, while we are enjoying the conveniences of the science and technology, weshould keep a watching -eyes on those negative practice, and aim to reduce theproblems it has caused.


theunwillingness to take effective measures for the dream may lead to permanentfailure in one’s personal and even affect the development of a country.



write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in youressay, you should

1) describe the drawingbriefly,

2) explain its intendedmeaning, and

3) give your comments.

youshould write neatly on answer sheet. (20 points)


as is depicted by this vivid picture, we can see that there is a man whois trying to drop litter according to the instruction. however, it is obviousthat he is confused about which dustbin he should choose. from this cartoon, wecan come to the conclusion that the reinforcement of waste sorting is still inaptly done in theinvolved regions.

currently, news has it that some major cities in china are setting aboutpushing “waste sorting”, with the purpose of both reforming the traditionalwaste treatment and improving this fragile environment we live in. why doesthis policy appear? first and foremost, by this method, wastes are sent todifferent factories according to their classification rather than landfills, wherethey would be simply burnt and buried. what’s more, waste classification notonly cuts the spending on treating waste, but generates some handsome interest.unfortunately, this policy brings about some inconveniences as well. forexample, according to survey conducted online, 68% of netizen feel confusedwhen they try to drop litter in accordance with those tags on the dustbins.

therefore, to make the policy of waste classification an effective meansof environmental protection, it is preferable that departments concerned launchsome relevant activities to inform the public of how to conduct waste-sortingeffectively.????


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