


51.directions:  suppose you are working for the “aiding rural primary school” project of your university. write an email to answer the inquiry from an international student volunteer, specifying the details of the project.  you should write neatly on the anwser sheet.  do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “li ming ” instead.  do not write the address. (10 points)  解析:  从形式来讲,今年的英语一小作文又考察了书信的形式,还是在意料之中的。从历年来的考查形式来看:无论是英语一还是英语二,小作文考查书信类和告示类两种。其中,从近年的考频来说,书信是考查的重点。在英语一中,小作文考查了15年,其中,13年都考查到了书信。  但从内容来说今年的英语一的小作文有点难度。考查了回复询问信,偏近于介绍性的信,需要介绍“援助乡村小学”的志愿者活动的具体内容。英语一之前的小作文从没有考过此类话题。在书信中,建议信和推荐信出现得最多。而无论是回复信还是介绍性的信都只分别在英语二中考过,这也是近几年当中首次出现的一个全新的话题。  写作时,按照一般顺序。第一段写非常开心收到你的询问信这样过渡性内容,再加上写作目的;第二段改写题目提纲,具体介绍这个项目的具体内容;第三段再次点题和写期待。本文的要点有三个:一个是作为回复信,一段中过渡性内容应切题,不能生搬硬套模板;再就是是介绍的内容也要切题,符合这类活动的常规安排。第三段可以表示欢迎和期待。  另外,注意小作文的评分侧重点。考研大纲指出:a 节作文的评分侧重点在于信息点的覆盖、内容的组织、语言的准确性、格式和语域的恰当。对语法结构和词汇多样性的要求将根据具体试题作调整。允许在作文中使用提示语中出现过的个别关键词或词组,但使用提示语中出现过的句子将被扣分。这一点一定要引起重视!  范文:  dear friends,  as a coordinator of “aiding rural primary school” project organized by peking university, i am much delighted to have heard from you asking the possibility of being a volunteer for the project and i am writing to make a brief introduction regarding it.  you are expected to spend two months in assisting education for a rural primary school in a financially disadvantaged village in inner mongolia, a minority region. to let the kids obtain promotion in both knowledge and practices, i believe the following aspects can be beneficial. firstly, as native english speakers, you can teach the kids some basic words for reading and communicating in english. secondly, some colorful after-class activities and psychological guidance are also indispensable for their healthy growth, you efforts on these will also open up new horizons for them. the detailed arrangement will be sent if we have reached an agreement.  please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your unselfish help and enthusiasm for the kids in rural area. if you have any other practical suggestions, please do not hesitate to tell us.
yours sincerely,
li ming

52: directions:
  write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. in your essay, you should:
  1) describe the picture br
  2) interpret the implied meaning, and
  3) give your comments
  write your answer on the answer sheet.


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